New Workshop to Spark Your Creativity

Let’s get in touch with our senses and grounded in our body and feeling side, so we can spark our creativity!

If life’s got you too busy, tense, distracted or stressed, slow down and get in touch with yourself at Foreplay for Art –Inviting the Muse by Seducing the Senses.

March 12, 2023 from 1:00pm to 3:00pm, at Lichgate on High Rd. in Tallahassee for $22.00

We’ll meet and explore ways to coax our creative side to life, and feel more playful and inspired.

Here is the link to join the fun!

Take Time To Acknowledge How You Feel

Woke today with tension in my chest, feeling tender around my heart. Losses of beloved family and friends from late last winter heavy on my mind as we cycle back to the same time of year.

Thinking about my intentions for the day, I felt anxiety rising up, the bodily tension increasing. I couldn’t just charge forward with my to do list.

So I put aside for later whatever I could. Had a big cry, took a little walk, and spent a lot of my afternoon in my back yard listening to birds and breezes. I sipped coffee and colored outside, savoring today’s beautiful weather.

I feel better. I feel seen. I feel taken care of! 🌸

We don’t always have the opportunity to tend to our feelings so quickly, depending on the day, but I highly recommend we do our best to get to it!

Feel your feelings! Honor, acknowledge and love yourself! You are worth it!

Feeling More Alive by Inviting the Muse

Introducing a fun, virtual workshop: Foreplay for Art—Inviting the Muse by Seducing the Senses

offered by me, Bridget Welch, Artist and Healer, for getting in touch with our feeling, sensual side to connect with ourselves and coax our creativity!

It is said that to really love and be loved by another, you must love yourself first!

Whether you are in a relationship or not, we can all benefit from greater self-knowledge and deeper self-love.

This Valentines season, perhaps the most powerful gift we can give or receive is to truly love and take care of ourselves.

Many of us are stressed these days, just holding it together, have unprocessed trauma, feel uptight, and perhaps a bit out of touch with our bodies, our feelings and our creativity.

But what if we coax ourselves back into feeling, back into our bodies, and back into inspiration?

In my workshop, Foreplay for Art—Inviting the Muse by Seducing the Senses, we’re going to get playful and get into our sensual, feeling side to access our creativity!

$22 investment

When: Saturday Feb 18th, 2023 at 2:00pm EST

About 2 hours

What you will need to prepare:

A device on which you can use Zoom

Journal/notebook paper and a pen/pencil

Water to drink

Dress comfortably so you feel good and can move easily

Paper for art Some kind of art supplies for drawing, coloring, and/or if you prefer, magazines, scissors and glue stick for making a collage.

Go to to join the fun!